Our ministries include serving the community. Our United Methodist Women’s group meets regularly for bible study and mission work. They also provide meals and refreshments for families and community members when there is need. Our facilities are used by many groups including ABC Preschool, Boy Scouts of America (we are a charter sponsor), Narcotics Anonymous and Options Domestic Violence Services for Northwest Kansas. Our facility also serves as a community shelter in times of disasters/evacuations and is equipped with an emergency generator.
We rotate with other churches during the year by helping with our local food pantry. We also have a thrift store located at 104 W. Washington St that provides clean near new clothes, household items (excluding furniture) and small appliances. Through our thrift store, we are able to help individuals and families in our community facing difficult times with rental, utility and medical assistance. Our pastor is involved in the Saint Francis Ministerial Alliance which includes several other churches in the community.
We nurture our children through our Sunday School ministry and Vacation Bible School. Sunday school meets throughout the school year during the 10:30 AM worship service immediately following the children’s message.
Our music ministry includes our Cherub Choir for children in grades K-3, sings regularly and cherub bell choir performs during worship. We also have an adult vocal choir and bell choir that performs on a regular basis too. Our music ministry is supported with a Yamaha Clavinova as well as a Rodgers electronic 3 manuel organ under the direction of music director, Althea LeBow and accompanist Marti Schlittenhardt.
We welcome you to join us as we serve our community and greater world together in Christ’s love!